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P L A N  O F  A C T I O N

The Rule of Law and Evenhanded Administration of Justice
(click on each to read more)

The recommendations in this section are taken directly from the National Task Force on Rule of Law & Democracy's Proposals for Reform.  Read the entire report here

"The Task Force is a nonpartisan group of former public servants and policy experts.  We have worked at the highest levels in federal and state government, as prosecutors, members of the military, senior advisers in the White House, members of Congress, heads of federal agencies, and state executives.  We come from across the country and reflect varying political views.  We have come together to develop solutions to repair and revitalize our democracy.  Our focus is not on the current political moment but on the future.  Our system of government has long depended on leaders following basic norms and ground rules designed to prevent abuse of power. Unless those guardrails are restored, they risk being destroyed permanently — or being replaced with new antidemocratic norms that future leaders can exploit.  We have examined norms and practices surrounding financial conflicts, political interference with law enforcement, the use of government data and science, the appointment of public officials, and many other related issues.  We have consulted other experts and former officials from both parties.  Despite our differences, we have identified concrete ways to fix what has been broken." 


We believe the Task Force has done an excellent job, and that their recommendations are an excellent place to start!

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