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Step One:  What We Know

Between 2015 and 2022, there were 175 mass shootings where four or more people were shot and killed.

In at least 46 percent of mass shootings with four or more people killed, the shooter killed a current or former intimate partner or family member…. so, the killing was not random but very, very personal.

In 32 percent of the mass shootings with four or more people killed, the shooter showed at least one warning sign before the shooting.

Now let's look at just one year. 

In 2021, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the United States.

Fifty-four percent – or 26,328 – of these deaths were suicides.

So, that leaves 22,502 non-suicide gun-related deaths in 2021.

In 2021, there were 27 mass shootings where four or more people were shot and killed. These mass shooting resulted in 136 deaths.

Therefore, in 2021, the 136 people shot and killed in mass shootings where four or more people were shot and killed account for less than 0.06 percent of the 22,502 Americans who died of non-suicide gun related injuries.

Step Two:  How We Avoid the Trap

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