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No Internet voting – EVER!

Provide federal funding for critical updates to our election infrastructure immediately. Make the “critical infrastructure” designation for election systems permanent.

Provide federal funding for election administrator and poll worker training.

Provide federal resources for state and federal agencies to conduct regular threat assessments to our election systems.

Establish a bug bounty program for election systems (bug bounty programs offer a way for independent security experts to identify potential vulnerabilities and lawfully report them).

Require states to conduct transparent postelection audits that follow clearly defined and transparent rules and procedures.

Require states to replace old, paperless electronic voting machines with voting systems that provide voter-verified paper records.

Prohibit wireless components in all voting systems that record and tabulate votes.

Require election administrators to routinely assess the integrity of voter registration databases and the integrity of voter registration databases connected to other applications.

Back up election/voter registration databases regularly and establish failsafe measures for Election Day, including having enough ballots on hand.

Highly regulate and vet election vendors.

Toughen the penalties for destroying or altering ballots and other election records.

Increase protections for local election administrators and pass a federal law preventing them from being removed for partisan or political reasons. Increase federal protections and remedies against the intimidation of election workers.

Limit access to critical election infrastructure to only election officials and those they specifically give written permission to.

Prevent flawed, inconsistent procedures for purging voter rolls while ensuring states accurately maintain their voter registration lists. Require states to notify a voter at least two weeks prior to the voter being removed from the list, along with the reason for their removal and ways they can contest the decision.

Require all states to participate in a system of cross-state matching of voter registrations.

read about Voting Rights

read about Voter Suppression

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